SDI News

New COR Requirements for 2021
In accordance with the decision made by all CP’s and GOA-Partnerships for audits in 2021, the following will be applied:
The minimum standard for COR certification for 2021 will be:
-External Audits conducted by documentation-only = One-year COR
-External Audits conducted by documentation and interviews (conducted remotely) = Three year COR
This will be effective for all audits conducted from January 1 to December 31, 2021.
It would be expected that interviews will be conducted remotely using web-based platforms (Teams, Skype, WebEx, etc.) telephone calls, or in some cases questionnaires can take the place of interviews (contact your Certifying partner for a copy of the approved questionnaire and requirements).
This minimum standard may be exceeded on an individual bases if an employer and auditor agree that the audit can be done safely on the employer’s worksite by following the “Safe Auditing Guidelines” (still being developed by sub-committee).
Exceeding the minimum standard may include remote or on-site observations, and/or on-site interviews. Note this will not require individual approval by your Certifying partner in advance.
Completion of 2020 Audit: The current rules for COVID audits conducted in 2020 will remain unchanged until December 31, 2020.